Solar Magnetic Field Telescope
This magnetograph consists of a 35-cm vacuum refractor, a 1/8Å birefringent filter with 3 sets of KD*P crystal modulator, a CCD camera and an Imaging Technology 151 system controlled by a AST-386 computer. The photospheric vector magnetograms and Dopplergrams, chromospheric longitudinal magnetograms and Dopplergrams, corrsponding filtergrams can be obtain by this system.
- Objective
Diameter 350mm
Focal length 2800mm
- Field Of View
- Spectral Lines
FeI 5324.19Å for photosphere
H 4861.34Å for chromosphere
- Birefringent Filter
Bandwidth 1/8Å
Tunable range 0.12Å at 5324Å, 0.98Å at 4861Å
Pixel size 0.4" x 0.7"
- Temporal resolution
1 min
- Sensitivity
± 1~10 gauss for longitudinal magnetic field
± 30~50 gauss for transverse magnetic field
± 10~20 m/s for longitudinal velocity
- For more information contact
G.X. Ai, H.Q. Zhang, Y.Y. Deng, W, Li,
D.G. Wang, K.L. Hu
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